Miscellaneous: Foreign View On Ban


While we often think about the view of U.S citizens and families of the banned countries, we often forget that other countries have opinions on the matter. This ban not only effects our relationships with the seven banned countries, but also around the world. Many predominantly Muslim countries that were not on the banned list are appalled by the executive order. Even close allies such as Britain and France disagree. These linkshow tweets and a video from representatives from other countries and their views. An overwhelming amount show disagreement, however one politician from the Netherlands said he would do the same.

Miscellaneous: First DREAMer Deported

The first protected DREAMer has been deported under Trump’s new immigration plan.

Manuel Montes, 23, was granted protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which was created under the Obama administration.  Although Montes was a DREAMer and protected from being deported, the Trump administration brought him to the Mexico border to deport him.  This article explains the full story of Manuel Montes, an immigrant who was trying to better his life, who now awaits his return to the U.S..


Miscellaneous: University Employee Fired for Trump Support

University of Wisconsin, La Crosse law dispatcher was fired when she defended Trump’s immigration policies while having a conversation with a coworker. The university fired her on the grounds of “threatening or abusive language” and “conduct unbecoming a university employee”.

She was offered her job back 3 days after receiving her termination letter though, after Twitter and other social media platforms started to report on the firing.

Miscellaneous: Hit Them Where It Hurts

As a result of the Muslim ban, U.S. tourism has actually declined. This is not surprising, due to the fact that specific countries are basically banned from entry, however, the impact is greater than expected. This ban has also caused a decline in tourism from Europe and Asia, as well as our neighboring countries. Check out this article to read more about the consequences of this executive order. Maybe Donald Trump will reconsider this ban, if we get hit where it hurts, which is our nation’s economy. 20160322175236-airplane-airport-travel-leaving-going

Miscellaneous: Immigration Story from a Technologist

Tan Le is a Vietnamese-Australian telecommunications entrepreneur, and serves as the co-founder of Emotiv. Emotiv is a technology company that invents wearable for the brain and the products are sold at many different retailers both online and inside of stores. The gear is very popular because it’s known for its wireless EEG properties.

This TEDTalk is relevant, because our affirmative post this week was focused on how immigrants are valued within the technological fields and the stories of how they got there. Here is Tan Le’s story.

Miscellaneous: Dallas Protests


In Geo.tv’s article, the authors recount the large protest that took place in Dallas. People of all races, religions, and more took to the streets to support immigrants’ rights.

Below are some tweets from the march:

Check out the Twitter hashtag #MegaMarch2017 to see more tweets from the march.


Miscellaneous: PBS News Hour Discusses Trump’s Policy

Trumps new Attorney General Jeff Sessions discussed his intensive and aggressive take on immigration.  He has made it clear that the Trump administration’s immigration policy will be strict and aim to deport undocumented immigrants.   This has already begun. In this video, Judy Woodruff speaks with Nancy Montoya, who works for Arizona Public Media.  Woodruff and Montoya discuss Sessions’ comments and Trump’s new immigration policy.

“There is no safety net anymore.  If you are here and you cross the border illegally, the Trump administration is putting you on warning that you could be next,” said Mantoya.


Miscellaneous: The Stats Don’t Lie

In attempt to overshadow the true reasoning and motive behind the executive order that Donald Trump has imposed, his administration as well as his supporters claim that this executive order is for the benefit of the country. He claims that he is protecting the country from “terrorists.” But when looking at these statistics that Kim Kardashian posted on Twitter, we see that maybe we need to shift our focus to another threatening killer, instead of discriminating against Muslims. 3c9e126a00000578-4168320-image-a-151_1485675663696

Miscellaneous: Not Just White-Christians Should Have It This Easy


In this video, popular talk show host, James Corden, walks through the airport to show how easy it is for him to get through security. The purpose of this is to show that all legal immigrants should be able to have it this easy, not just White Christian ones.

Miscellaneous: SNL take on Trump’s immigration plan

This video is a parody of what SNL believes coming into the U.S. will actually be like with Trump’s immigration plan.  This video depicts what we are arguing about Trump’s plan: THAT IT IS RACIST.  SNL has used its platform in order to protest or at least show dislike for the immigration plan and its policies.


Abby Harari

Miscellaneous: Watch What You Say

A recent Washington Post article is in response to the revised travel ban that is being disputed in court. Donald Trump has a tendency to say things, often offensive and discriminatory, but then later deny ever expressing anything of that nature. Although he can try to alter the rhetoric used to describe the ban, the sentiment and purpose stay the same. He essentially is blaming Muslims for an abundance of problems that the nation faces.

Because our nation, especially the government, claims to be secular, the issue that federal judges are investigating are the contradicting nature of the Executive Order and Trump’s actual statements leading up to declaring the Executive Order.
