Refutation: Muslim Ban Isn’t Just Limited To Muslims

Donald Trump and his supporters rationalize the executive order by claiming they attempt to prevent terrorism by impeding the travel from six majority Muslim countries. But, if that’s the case, then there is no explanation behind why people who aren’t from these countries are also getting hassled and denied entrance when travelling to the United States of America.

Although there are relatively stringent orders, many Africans also fear that they are being impacted by this executive order. An article from CNN states how several Nigerians have stated that they have been denied entry since the executive order has been placed. One instance is from a real estate businessman, named Femi Olaniyi, who was travelling to Los Angeles with a visa. As he recounts, an immigration officer proceeded to interrogate him and then held him in a cell for four days. Following the four days, he then revoked his visa and sent him back to Nigeria.

The explanation that was provided for the practices against numerous Nigerians was that it was in order to “establish practice rather than new policies of the Trump administration.” But if the ban is in order to monitor the people coming in from the six specified countries in the executive order, then the acts of denial of Nigerians goes against the pupose of protecting from terrorism. This raises the question of whether the executive order is really about banning Muslims or if it’s a ban on Black and brown people/